Whole Sweep Challenge

I just wanted to clarify the “whole sweep challenge” a bit. This is a challenge based upon the NT Wright short film. (We used it yesterday during our worship time) Within the film Dr. Wright talks about reading the scriptures in longer portions. For instance reading the Gospel of John or Matthew straight through. With our current study of the Sermon on the Mount, we felt that it would be a great idea to read Matthew in one sitting! This will be on your own, it will not take place at the church, although next time we may set up a reading room and block off a couple hours!

Pass the word around to everyone you know, let’s get as many people as we can to accept the challenge and read the Gospel of Matthew in one sitting before next Sunday!

Here is a “mobile” version of the video if you missed it yesterday.

Here are some questions to ponder:

Have you ever read a book of the Bible straight through?

How could we read the Bible more “frequently” and “thoroughly?”

What have been some reasons you have heard for not “frequently” sitting down and reading through an entire book of the Bible?

What do you think about Dr. Wright’s statement that “When you read scripture in public, you are not just informing the people of what is going on, you are declaring the mighty acts of God which is an act of praise and adoration.”?

Have you ever challenged yourself or your family to read a book through in one sitting?

What do you think the response of your kids would be to a “reading challenge” like this?

So, here is the challenge, read the Gospel of Matthew in one sitting before Sunday the 17th. (approximately 2 hours)

Find someone or someones to tackle this challenge with you.

Sign up for the challenge at the blog post previous to this one!

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